Too often serving in the church nursery can seem like a thankless job. One of the key tasks for children’s ministry leaders is to help volunteers understand their importance. With that in mind, I offer these following 7 reasons why serving in the church nursery is important. Click here for a print-friendly version of this article to share offline.

Reason #1
God is in the church nursery. This may come as a shock, but the Bible has specific promises about God’s presence when children are welcomed and loved in Jesus’ name. You can read my article about this titled God Is In The Church Nursery.

Reason #2
Your service in the church nursery allows church goers to focus on worship, rather than worrying about their children.
In a very real sense your ministry makes it possible for the pastor to fulfill his ministry.

Reason #3
The first (and sometimes lasting) feelings a child will have toward church is formed in the nursery department. While not everyone agrees, I believe that a positive experience in the church nursery is essential.

Reason #4
When you serve in the nursery, you are being entrusted with the most important (and vulnerable) members of the church family. There is no greater treasure on this side of heaven than the little ones God has given us. You must be someone special to have a job that is so important.

Reason #5
Your service is essential for your own spiritual growth. You may have never looked at it this way, but a growing Christian is always a serving Christian. Jesus was known for putting others first, when you serve in the church nursery you are walking in his example.

Reason #6
The church nursery is the first contact young families will have with your church. Your friendly greeting and exceptional care for their children can make a great first impression for your church. If they don’t feel like their children are safe, they will not return – and rightly so.

Reason #7
Your service in the church nursery is a powerful opportunity for prayer. If every nursery worker would spend several minutes praying over the children in their care, imagine how God might begin to change this coming generation. There is no better way to create an environment of spiritual nurture than to pray while you serve in the nursery.

I hope this article will be useful to you and your church. If so, leave a comment to let me know. Your feedback is an encouragement for me to post articles like this.

What do you think about this list?

If you have an 8th reason, just leave me a comment below.

Remember that God blesses those who serve his children.


Whether you have a baby, infant, toddler, or pre-teen, there is a place for them here at First Baptist!

Our dedicated nursery staff provides safe and secure preschool care so parents can participate in a meaningful Sunday School time and worship experience.

1st-6th graders participate in our corporate worship time on Sunday mornings, and then are dismissed to our Children’s Church, which is designed with them in mind! Here they will enjoy games, music, and friendships while being taught the Word of God.

For more information about our Children’s Ministry, please contact Shelly Zahorscak.