Celebrating the Faithfulness of God

Celebrating the Faithfulness of God

2023 Recap

Take a look at the wonderful things God did in this past year:

  • 20 New Members
  • 8 Baptisms
  • 8 Decisions for Christ
  • 125+ Gospel Conversations
  • Annie Armstrong Offerings: $7,759
  • Myers-Mallory Offerings: $4,285
  • Lottie Moon Offerings: $10,090
  • Mexico Missions Offerings: $10,793
  • VBS: We averaged 100+ kids a night, 50+ adults and youth volunteers, and had 3 salvations.
  • EBA Mission Bus: We hosted the EBA Mission Bus twice and helped 21 families in our community have access to needed items.
  • Loads of Love: We ministered to 15+ people in our community and helped wash their loads of laundry.
  • Mexico Mission Trip: Our team ministered to and gave needed medical care to 265 individuals and 139 of those got saved.
  • Glencoe Community Thanksgiving: We served 700+ plates to individuals in our community and prayed with many of them.
  • GO Day at GES, Summer on the GO, Home Outreach, New Movers, and much more.

Looking Ahead

I am very thankful for all that God did through FBCG this past year. From the new members to the salvations and many other opportunities to live out our mission and vision, we saw God do what only He could do!

My prayer is that this year will be filled with more of those “only God” moments. We’ve already seen the year begin with new members and others taking next steps here at FBCG!

Though He doesn’t need us, God gives us the opportunity to be a part of making a difference that will outlast our lives. As we continue through 2024, we will commit wholeheartedly to accomplishing our purpose of making, maturing, and multiplying disciples as we gather to worship, grow through community, and go in serving others and sharing Jesus.

You’ll keep hearing us talk about taking next steps because our goal is to engage as many people as possible in this exciting purpose. We will do it all for the glory of God!

Donny Yarbrough

Donny Yarbrough


2023 was a great year!

We learned Bible stories, played games, and made crafts that grew our knowledge of God’s love for us through Jesus. We had an awesome VBS with a great turnout that lead to salvations.

Our attendance is growing as new families have joined us. Wednesday night missions classes have had a strong attendance and we learned all about different missionary work across the world.

I am excited as we begin 2024 and see His plans for us this year. As our GLOW Kids numbers increase during the church hour, we will be splitting up during the bible story time for a better understanding of His word according to age group.

Plans have already begun on this year’s Easter fun and VBS. I can’t wait to watch more children accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior and be baptized. It’s going to be a great year.

Shelly Zahorscak

Shelly Zahorscak

Children's Ministry Director

We spent 2023 building a solid foundation for our overall approach to student ministry. Our focus was to develop spiritual unity and strength among our leadership team and a solid and consistent approach to discipleship for our students. We studied through the entire book of John, had an extended series on prayer, and got a good start on the book of Genesis.

We had some wonderful events to help strengthen the unity and spiritual foundation of our students, such as Camp Monsoon, Rock The Universe, and FUGE Camp.

Our students helped lead VBS and each Sunday they work together to serve through our GLOW Kids ministry.

In addition, we launched our new name: Radiate Students

Thank you for all you do to support our student ministry!

Gary Wright

Gary Wright

Pastor (Worship, Discipleship, Students)