Come and See

Have you ever been so excited about something that you just had to go and tell others to “Come and see…”? Maybe it was a big buck, a big bass, or even a big battle wound. Sometimes we’re so proud or excited about something that we just make it visible to others, wanting them to see it for themselves. In today’s social media world, we often do this without giving folks much of an option if we want them to see something.

We’ve been studying a life-changing encounter Jesus had with a Samaritan woman who came to draw water from a well He was sitting beside. Though she came for physical water, Jesus offered her something far superior and eternal: the living water of the Spirit through faith in Him as Savior.

Invitation to Living Water

  1. Jesus Reveals Spiritual Thirst

    • He helped her see her spiritual thirst by addressing the sins in her life, leading her to recognize her need for salvation.
    • He revealed that true worship is more about the heart than a physical place.

  2. The Woman’s Response

    • She recognized Jesus as the Messiah and left her water jar to go and tell others in her town about Him.
    • Her transformation from shame to a passion for sharing about Jesus demonstrates the power of a personal encounter with Him.

Inviting Others to Jesus

  1. Passionately Invite Others

    • The woman’s passionate invitation compelled others to come and see Jesus for themselves.
    • Just as she did, we can share our stories of how Jesus has changed our lives and invite others to experience Him.

  2. Prioritize Kingdom Work

    • While the woman was inviting others to Jesus, the disciples were focused on less important things.
    • Jesus emphasized the importance of prioritizing spiritual work over physical needs, showing the disciples to value Kingdom work above all else.

  3. See the Harvest

    • Jesus urged His disciples to see the ripe spiritual harvest before them, emphasizing the urgency of inviting others to Jesus.
    • Until we open our eyes to the spiritual needs around us, we will fail to prioritize inviting others to Jesus as we should.

  4. Be Faithful

    • Both those who sow and those who reap rejoice over the harvest.
    • We are called to be faithful in sowing the seeds of the Gospel, knowing that God will bring the increase.


When we passionately invite others to Jesus, prioritize His Kingdom work, see the spiritual harvest, and faithfully do our part, people believe in Jesus as Savior and are forever changed. Just as the Samaritan woman did, let us invite others to come and see the One who satisfies our spiritual thirst and brings eternal life.

Picture of Donny Yarbrough

Donny Yarbrough


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