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Why You Shouldn’t Miss FUGE Camp 2024

As summer approaches, many students eagerly anticipate the break from school, the chance to unwind, and perhaps even embark on new adventures. But amidst the excitement of summer, there’s one experience that stands out above the rest: FUGE Camp.

Situated in the heart of Jackson, TN, at Union University, FUGE Camp offers more than just a typical summer getaway. It’s a transformative journey that could dramatically change your life.

FUGE Camp is not your average summer camp. It’s not just about the thrill of activities, the loud laughter, or even the occasional messiness that comes with the territory. Instead, every moment spent at FUGE is intentional. From the carefully crafted programming to the immersive environment, FUGE Camps are designed to foster life-changing experiences through a deepened relationship with Christ.

Our theme this year is REVIVAL GENERATION

This isn’t just a catchy slogan; it’s a rallying call for today’s youth to rise up and embrace their faith with passion and fervor. Throughout history, we’ve witnessed moments of great revival, where God’s people have turned back to Him with unwavering devotion. And now, in 2024, the question remains: Will this generation be the catalyst for another great awakening?

The theme of revival isn’t merely about fleeting emotions or surface-level experiences. It’s about a spiritual awakening—a realization of our true identity and purpose in Christ. Revival starts with God’s people humbling themselves, praying, seeking His face, and turning from their sinful ways, as stated in 2 Chronicles 7:14. And at FUGE Camp, students are challenged to do just that.

What does camp look like?

During their time at FUGE, students are divided into groups based on age ranges and engage in a variety of activities, including recreation and Bible study. These sessions are more than just opportunities for learning; they’re moments of encounter—where hearts are opened, minds are transformed, and lives are forever changed.

But perhaps what sets FUGE Camp apart is the emphasis on generational impact. The stories of revival in the Bible serve as powerful examples of how God can use individuals to spark transformation that reverberates through the ages. And as participants delve into these stories, they’re not just spectators; they’re called to be active participants in God’s redemptive work.

So why should you go to FUGE Camp 2024? 

Because it’s more than just a summer camp—it’s a divine appointment. It’s a chance to step out of your comfort zone, deepen your relationship with Christ, and be part of something bigger than yourself. It’s an opportunity to join a community of believers who are passionate about making a difference in the world.

Don’t miss out on the chance to be part of the REVIVAL GENERATION. Join us at FUGE Camp 2024 and experience a week that will not only impact your summer but your entire life. As you embark on this journey, may you be inspired to humble yourself, pray fervently, seek God’s face, and turn from your sinful ways. For in doing so, you become part of a movement that has the power to heal hearts, transform lives, and change the course of history.

Spaces are limited so hurry and sign-up: HERE

On a personal note

As a fifteen-year-old, I went to summer camp and had an encounter with God that completely transformed the course of my life. I’ve spent over thirty years in Christian ministry, and it all points back to that camp. I couldn’t imagine what my life would be like today, had I missed out on that great opportunity. 

I hope that you prayerfully consider joining us, and maybe you too will have a life-changing experience with Jesus.

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