Men are Strategic! A classic Promise Keepers survey shows that if a child is the first person in the family to accept Christ and join the church, the rest of the family will do the same only 3.5% of the time. If the mother is the first, that percentage goes to 17%. But if the father is the first to accept Christ and join the church, the rest of his family will follow 93% of the time! An intentional ministry designed to reach men for Christ will help a church not only reach men, but also reach and strengthen their family.
Our desire at First Baptist Glencoe is to see men and families reached for Christ. We want to help the men of our church take up the challenge of living a Christ-filled life in all areas of their lives – home, work, and church. Too often, Baptist Men’s groups focus more on “Ministry By Men” and not enough on “Ministry To Men”. Both are important.