Worship Ministry

Our mission is to facilitate an atmosphere where God is welcome and our people celebrate and worship Him wholeheartedly.  

The videos below will help you to have a feel for what the music and worship is like in our services. If you are interested in serving in the worship ministry in some way, please let us know HERE

Pastor Gary shares the awesome story of King Jehoshaphat (2 Chronicles 20), where we learn important principles that should undergird life and ministry. 

Worship Ministry Core Values

Godward — the ministry of worship is to be Godward. It is about leading the people of God to worship and magnify God, to focus on him, and to sing to Him. God is the audience, not the congregation or the seekers who may be in attendance. We desire to facilitate an atmosphere where God is welcome. Our mission is not entertainment or performance.

Biblical – we desire to give worship that is Biblical and God honoring, worship as God desires. Songs should be full of the Word and fully honoring of the Word.

Excellent – we should strive for excellence because it is for God. Every area of the ministry we strive for excellence as an act of worship to God. Not excellence as measured by the secular culture, but excellence as measured by the Word of God.

Missional – God is our audience, but we do not lose site of the fact that there will be lost people who come. The types of songs we sing, style, and presentation should be easily understood and accessible to the people we are trying to reach.

Multiplying – we desire to disciple, mentor, and equip those with the gift of music and worship to grow as worshipers, leaders, and disciples. There will always be an effort to find and develop worship leaders, singers, musicians, and those gifted in technology for the glory of God.

Overflowing – we want to harness what we do to bear the most fruit for our church family and to overflow to minister beyond our church family. We will utilize resources and technologies to bear fruit outside the walls of the church — producing video and audio resources, writing songs, and using all of our creativity for the glory of God and the good of His Church.